

Anglo-Japanese Interactions on Policies toward China in the Period of Ikeda Regime
摘要 由于英国对社会主义国家相对缓和的立场,以及对西欧、英联邦国家甚至是对美国的独特的影响,导致了其在日本的对华政策上具有独特的地位与作用。因此,日本总是通过各种渠道与英国就对华政策进行协调。在池田内阁时期,日英两国在对华政策上主要围绕两个中心进行协调:一是联合国的中国席位问题;一是放松对华贸易问题。在联合国的中国席位问题上,日本的重心在于维护蒋介石集团在联合国的席位,而英国的重心是支持中国取得联合国的席位。在放松对华贸易问题上,双方立场相近,产生了共鸣。 Britain adopted a moderate policy toward socialist countries and had a unique impact on Western Europe, the British Commonwealth and even the US, so Britain had a unique influence on Japan's policies toward China. Hence,Japan always coordinated its China policy with Britain through various channels. In the period of Ikeda regime, two governments' coordination mainly focused on two issues: one was China's UN seat issue, the other was to loose trade with China. Japan focused to keep kin seat of Taiwan authority,but Britain tried to support PRC. On the issue of trade with China, Britain and Japan got a ready response each other.
作者 陈巍
出处 《外国问题研究》 2012年第2期29-33,共5页 FOREIGN HISTORY STUDIES
关键词 日本 英国 对华政策 Japan Britain policies toward China
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  • 1日本外务省.ゎが外交の近沉(第1号)[M].东京:日本外务省,1957:114-117.
  • 2Visit of the Japanese Prime Minister, July 1959, FO371/141437.
  • 3Record of conversation between the Prime Nfmister and the Prime Nnister of Japan at 10. Dowing Street at 11. 30 a. m. on July 13,1959,FO371/141439/FJ1051/92.
  • 4[日]伊藤昌哉.池田勇人的生和死[M].李季安,王振仁,译.北京:新华出版社,1986:139.
  • 5Record of a conversation between the Lord Privy Seal and the Japanese Ambassador on May 23, 1961, FO371/158492/FJ1051/37.
  • 6Record of a conversation between the Secretary of State and the Japanese Foreign Nfmister, Mr Kosaka at the Foreign Office at 3 p. rrL on July 5,1961,F0371/158497.
  • 7Record of conversation between the Pfinme Minister and the Prime Mnister of Japan at Admiralty House at 3 p. m. on November 12,1962,FO371/164976/FJ1052.
  • 8Record of a conversation between the Foreign Secretary and the Japanese Foreign Minister, Mr. Ohira,on April 3, 1963, in the Ministry of foreign affairs. FO371/170759.
  • 9Record of a conversation between the Foreign Secretary and the Japanese Prkne Nfmister after dinner on April 3, 1963,at the British Embassy,FO371/170759.
  • 10Closer relations with Japan in Prospect[N]. The Times. 1963--04--05.









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