

Analysis of the Refugees and Urban Development of Amman
摘要 难民是国际热点问题。第二次世界大战后,安曼城市发展常常遭遇周边国家周期性的难民潮影响。由于约旦政府在难民安置和保护上的相对宽松政策,使其周边国家特别是巴勒斯坦、伊拉克的许多难民来此寻求保护,约旦首都安曼首当其冲成为难民的积聚地。难民不仅与城市发展安全、经济安全密不可分,而且在很大程度上影响着城市人口结构、城市规划与城市生活状况。安曼难民的走向与约旦政府、国际社会政策紧密相连。 The refugee is the development of Amman has refugees. Owing to the relatively the hot topic around the world. After world war I1 , been constantly affected by the periodical wave of easing policy the government of Jordan made on refugee settlement and protection, a lot of refugees from neighbouring countries, especially Palestine and Iraq, came here to seek refuge. And Amman, the capital of Jor dan, became the first place for refugees to gather. Refugees are not only closely associated with the urban development security and economic security but also have great influence on the urban demographic structure, urban planning and living con- ditions. The settlement of refugees in Amman goes hand in hand with the policies of Jordan government and international community.
出处 《西亚非洲》 北大核心 2012年第3期128-140,共13页 West Asia and Africa
基金 车效梅教授主持教育部新世纪人才扶持计划项目“中东城市边缘群体与社会稳定”和山西省青年学科带头人“中东城市民族社团和宗教社团研究”阶段性成果
关键词 城市发展 难民 安曼 人道主义援助 联合国近东救 济工程处 Urban Development Refugees Amman Humanitarian Aid UNRWA
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