近10 余年来,俄罗斯的强势复苏使欧亚地区的地缘政治经济和国际关系产生了新的变化,在以斯拉夫文化为主体的中东欧地区出现了一个新的"轮回",其特征是地缘政治和经济博弈重新开盘;从意识形态转换为能源经济和文化软实力; 合作与斗争并行不悖,但合作成为主流。本文对俄文化战略的形成和特点以及实施手段进行了分析,认为俄罗斯已经取得初步成果。
In the recent dozen years or so,Russian strong rehabilitation has enforced a new change in the geopolitical economy on Eurasia and produced a new round of Slav culture as the main body in central and east Europe,featured by the reopening of geopolitical and economic games,changing ideologies for energy economy and soft cultural power,making cooperation and struggle intermittently with cooperation as the mainstream.The article makes an analysis of the formation and features of Russian cultural strategy as well as its means of implementation,concluding that it has achieved initial results.
Russian,East European & Central Asian Studies