
民族与自我——惠特曼的双重身份建构 被引量:2

Nationality and Individuality——Double Construction of Identity in Whitman’s Works
摘要 惠特曼笔下的美国与现实中的美国之间存在不小的背离,学界多以他的理想主义作为解释,而背后的动因是什么,鲜有研究。本文以意识形态的功利性为切入点,借助精神分析的内投射理论,力图揭示这种背离背后复杂的建构机制。主张其建构一个美好民族身份的真正动机在于通过内投射的机制,实现自我建构:通过将美国渲染成为一个民主、平等、团结友爱的国度,将自己定义为美国的典型一份子,惠特曼完成了对自我的塑造——一个伟大的、建构中的、实践着维系着国家未来的兄弟之爱的民主个体。 There are remarkable contradictions between Whitman’s America and the true America, many experts and scholars explain these contradictions from the view of Whitman’s idealism,but few researches discuss about the motivation behind it. This thesis tries to probe into the complicated mechanism of construction behind the contradictions through the special perspective — the utilitarianism of ideology,along with the employment of introjection,a theory of psychology. It claims that Whitman’s real motivation of constructing a great national identity is the realization of his selfconstruction through introjection: Whitman constructs a great image for America — a democratic and free country with absolutely equality and fraternity and all of the people in different colors living in harmony,and he,Whitman,is part of this great nation,and then he completes the construction of his person identity — a great democratic individual,who is carrying out the fraternity that will influence the future of the country.
作者 戚涛 刘兰兰
出处 《学术界》 CSSCI 北大核心 2012年第5期181-190,289,共10页 Academics
基金 国家社科项目"美国文艺复兴与美国民族认同的建构"(09BWW017) 安徽省教育厅项目"新英格兰文艺复兴研究"(2007sk024) 安徽大学"211"工程学术创新团队基金的研究成果
关键词 惠特曼 身份 双重建构 内投射 意识形态的功利性 Whitman identity double construction introjection the utilitarianism of ideology
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  • 2Kenneth M. Price. To Walt Whitman, America. Chapel Hill.The University of North Carolina Press. p. 4,71.
  • 3Donald D. Kummings,ed. A Companion to Walt Whitman. Blackwell Publishing,2006.
  • 4Dana Philips. "Nineteenth - Century Racial Thought and Whitman' s ' Democratic Ethnology of the Fu- ture' ". Nineteenth - Century Literature, Vol. 49, No. 3 ( Dec. , 1994) . pp. 289 - 320.
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  • 6Christopher Clark. Social Change in America. From the Revolution to the Civil War. Lanham. Ivan R. Dee,2006 .p. 193.
  • 7Paul Boyer. Urban Masses and Moral Order in America, 1820 - 1920. Cambridge, MS . Harvard University Press, 1978 . p. 69.
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  • 9Terry Eagleton. "Ideology, Fiction and Narrative". Social Text, No. 2 ( Summer, 1979 ) . p. 64.
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  • 4Richard Ellmann and Robert O' Clair, eds, The Norton Anthology of Modern Poetry, New York: W. W.Norton & Company, 1988, p. 19.
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  • 7David S. Reynolds, Politics and Poetry: Leaves of Grass and the Social Crisis of the 1850s , The Cambridge Companion to Walt Whitman, edited by Ezra Greernspan (New York: Cambridge University Press, 1995),pp. 66-91.
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