
A Comparative Study of Grammar Teaching in the Grammar-Translation, Audio-Lingual and Communicative Approaches

A Comparative Study of Grammar Teaching in the Grammar-Translation, Audio-Lingual and Communicative Approaches
摘要 Recent years have seen a resurgence of interest in the role of grammar in English language teaching. Grammar teaching has become a preoccupation among more and more language researchers and teachers. This paper sets out to compare the views of grammar teaching in the Grammar-Translation, Audio-Lingual and Communicative Approaches from the following five points, the status of grammar teaching, the different methods in the instruction of grammar, the teacher's role in grammar teaching, the characteristics of typical teaching activities in the three approaches with detailed examples and the effect of the three approaches to grammar teaching.It is concluded that grammar teaching should subscribe to an eclectic approach, that is, to take advantage of the strong points of each approach and avoid their weak points. Moreover, grammar teaching should be conducted according to the variables of learners and teaching circumstances. Recent years have seen a resurgence of interest in the role of grammar in English language teaching. Grammar teaching has become a preoccupation among more and more language researchers and teachers. This paper sets out to compare the views of grarnmar teaching in the Grammar-Translation, Audio-Lingual and Communicative Approaches from the following five points, the stares of grammar teaching, the different methods in the instrucrion of grammar, the teacher's role in grammar teaching, the characteristics of typical teaching activities in the three approaches with detailed examples and the effect of the three approaches to grammar teaching.It is concluded that gram- mar teaching should subscribe to an eclectic approach, that is, to take advantage of the strong points of each approach and avoid their weak points. Moreover, grammar teaching should be conducted according to the variables of learners and teaching circumstances.
作者 李娜
出处 《科技信息》 2012年第20期198-200,202,共4页 Science & Technology Information
关键词 英语 语法 翻译方法 听说法 交际法 Grammar teaching Grammar-Translation Approach Audio-Lingual Approach Communicative Approach
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