A kind of fresh guen mineral crystal whose size is big enough to cut a ring gem has been found in Yushigou of Qilian county in Qinghai. The crystal is named as Qilian Green Gem by the author, and its mineralogical name really is vesuvianite. It is showed that the chemical composition of the gem is a little different from that of a common skam vesuvianite by the results of electron probing analysis. The gem veins occured in the gabbro xenolith zones of the verges of ultramafic rock bodies. The direct surmunding rock of the gem veins is grossularite (Qilian cui-jade). Those were formed by metasomatic alteration when the low temperature hydrnthermal solution had been flowing along the cracks in grossulallte, the mineralization Period is the late-stage of the multiple serpentinization of ultramafic rocks.
China Non-Metallic Minerals industry