Purpose:To discuss the values of Color Doppler ultrasound in diagnosis of gy- necologic and obstetrics emergency. Methods: 139 gynecologic and obss were con- finned by surgery and pathology. Then to an- alyze the results. Results: Ectopic pregnancy, natural abortion, plancental abruption, ruptured corpus luteum,acute pelvic inflam- malory disease, ovarian cyst torsion,and ges- rational trophoblastic disease,ultrasound di- agnostic accuracy rates were 89. 19% ,96. 43% ,50% ,90.91% ,76.92% ,84. 22%, 100%. Conclusion : Color Doppler ultrasound in diagnosis of gynecologic and obstetrics e- mergency was in a high accuracy rate. It was direct- viewing, quickly and without pain, can be used as emergency gynecological and obstetrics preferred screening method.
Color Doppier ultrasound, gyne- cologic and obstetrics emergenc