刘禹锡《竹枝词》是唐诗中别开生面的佳篇名作 ,取得了很高的艺术成就 ,显示出独特的艺术魅力。就其流传至今的两组《竹枝词》来分析 ,其经久不衰的艺术魅力主要表现在四个方面 ,即浓郁的民歌风味、优美的诗歌意境。
The Verse of Bamboo Branch,written by LIU Yu-xi,is a very good and famous one among the Tang poetry.lt has got great achievements in art and shows great contribution of a poet who learned folk music. From the detailed analysis of the two groups of poemsThe Verse of Bamboo Branch,We can see that its artistic charm lies in the following four aspects,that is,pronounced local flavour,exqusite poetic artistic conception,strong lyricism and notable musical feature.
Journal of Yiyang Teachers College