

Bandwidth and power allocatioon for AF strategy in Gaussian orthogonal untrusted relay channel
摘要 本文研究了高斯正交中继窃听信道,中继节点同时作为窃听者的情况,源节点同中继节点和目的节点在信道1上传输信号,中继节点同目的节点在信道2上传输信号,信道1和信道2在频率上是正交的。通过分析,在总的信道资源受限的情况下,通过优化功率及信道带宽获得最大的安全速率。本文给出了在高斯正交信道下,当只考虑功率或带宽时,存在唯一的功率或带宽使得安全速率达到最大,并且通过仿真结果说明了采用最优资源分配可得到比等资源分配更大的安全速率。 The gaussian orthogonal untrusted relayr channel is investigated. We assume that there is an eavesdropper at the relay node who has access everything that the relay node knows.The source node transmits signals with the relay node and the destination node in channel 1, the relay node transmits signals with destination node in channel 2, channel 1 and channel 2 are orthogonal. The achievable secrecy rate is derived based on analyzing the gaussian orthogonal untrusted relay channel. Under the limit of the total channel resource, the maximum of the achievable secrecy rate is obtained through optimizing the resource aUocation.In the Gaussian orthogonal untrused relay channel, there exists a unique optimum bandwidth or power to achieve the maximum secrecy rate and a higher secrecy rate can be achieved using the optimal resource allocation strategy than the maximum resource allocation strategy.
作者 郁章菊
出处 《电子测试》 2012年第6期39-42,共4页 Electronic Test
关键词 窃听信道 安全速率 资源分配 不信任中继 wiretap channel secrecy rate resource allocation untrusted relay
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