Objective To study Medpor combined with autogenous outer table of calvarial in management of deformities secondary to orbilozygomatic fracture. Methods In the reconstruction of the orhimzygomatic fracture, we firstly did the operation of osteotomies to reset reliable internal fixa- tion, then Medpor combined with autogenous outer table of calvarial was used to repair wall and in correction of depressed orbitozygomatic region. Results From January 2007 lo December 2010, 13 cases of deformities secondary to orbitozygomatic fracture were repaired. The enlarged orbital volume was reduced, enophthalmos and facial asymmetry were corrected or improved. Facial deformity was significantly improved and no eomplicalions occurred. Conclusions Medpor combined with autogenous outer lable of calvarial is benefit to most of secondary deformities to orbitozygomatic fracture. It is an effective solution to the orbital content shift and double vision problem, and it also can reduce the autologous damage and foreign Body rejection.
Chinese Journal of Medical Aesthetics and Cosmetology