目的:探讨乳腺恶性肿瘤的病理类型及年龄分布,不同病理类型的乳腺癌在发病年龄上的差异。方法:统计分析温州医学院附属第一医院2006年1月至2011年12月乳腺恶性肿瘤1 512例,按WHO乳腺肿瘤组织学分类(2003)进行病理分类。按年龄进行分组,30~69岁以10岁为一个年龄组,<30岁和≥70岁分别为一个年龄组。将病理分类前5位乳腺癌的高发年龄及年龄分布进行比较分析。结果:确诊的乳腺恶性肿瘤病理类型共14种,以浸润性导管癌居首位,占总病例数的71.1%,其次为导管原位癌、浸润性小叶癌、黏液癌及髓样癌。高发病年龄段在40~59岁(占65.0%),以40~49岁(占35.8%)为最高发病年龄段。浸润性导管癌(占36.1%)、浸润性小叶癌(占39.3%)、黏液癌(占35.4%)均以40~49岁为发病高峰期;导管原位癌以40~49岁(占35.3%)和50~59岁(占35.3%)为发病高峰期;髓样癌以50~59岁(占37.0%)为发病高峰期。浸润性小叶癌、黏液癌发病年龄与浸润性导管癌发病年龄比较差异均无统计学意义,导管原位癌、髓样癌发病年龄与浸润性导管癌发病年龄比较差异均有统计学意义。结论:乳腺恶性肿瘤高发病年龄段在40~59岁,以40~49岁为最高发病年龄段。不同类型的乳腺癌在发病年龄高峰上存在差异。
Objective: To probe the pathological types and age distribution of breastmalignant tumor, and the difference in the incident age of different pathological types of breast cancer. Methods: Statiscal analysis was performed on l 512 pathological samples from the First Affiliated Hospital of Wenzhou Medical College from January 2006 to December 2011, of which pathologic classification were assorted according to WHO classification tumors of the breast (2003),and grouped by age,each lO years was conducted as an age group during age 30-69, 〈 30 and ) 70 as another two groups, respectively. The tendentious age and age distribution of top five pathological types were comparatively analyzed. Results: There were 14 types of breast malignant tumors diagnosed. The top incident was infiltrating ductal carcinoma, accounting for 71.1% of the total cases, followed by ductal carcinoma in situ, infiltrating lobular carcinoma, mucous carcinoma and medullary carcinoma. The high-incidence age was 40-59 (65.0%),and 40-49 (35.8%) for the highest. The peak age of infiltrating ductal carcinoma (36.1%), infiltrating lobular carcinoma (39.3%), and mucous carcinoma (35.4%) were 40 - 49 group, the peak age of ductal carcinoma in situ was 40 - 49 (35.3%) and 50 - 59 (35.3%) groups, and the peak age of medullary carcinoma was 50-59 (37.0%) group. There was no statistical difference in the comparison of the incidence age among infiltraling lobuiar carcinoma, mucous carcinoma and infiltrating ductal carcinoma, whiie the comparison of incidence age of ductal carcinoma in situ, medullary carcinoma and infiltrating ductal carcinoma was statisticaily significant. Conclusion: The high-incidence ages of breast malignant tumor are 40-59, and 40-49 for the highest. There is significant difference in the incident age of different pathological types of breast cancer.
Journal of Wenzhou Medical College
breast malignant tumor
pathological type
age distribution