Two cellular lineages are identified to initiate prostate cancer Identifying the cells of origin for prostate cancer is a key step to improve disease prevention and therapeutics. However, the identity of these cells has been long debated and remains inadequately defined because of a lack of proper animal models. Now, recent findings by Xin and colleagues provide new insight on the origins of prostate cancer. Their report, published in Cancer Cell, shows that prostate cancer can initiate
Identifying the cells of origin for prostate cancer is a key step to improve disease prevention and therapeutics. However, the identity of these cells has been long debated and remains inadequately defined because of a lack of proper animal models. Now, recent findings by Xin and colleagues provide new insight on the origins of prostate cancer. Their report, published in Cancer Cell, shows that prostate cancer can initiate from both basal and luminal cell lineages and that deregulation of epithelial differentiation is a critical step for initiation of prostate cancer of basal cell oriqin.