
X-cor夹层结构拉伸模量有限元分析 被引量:2

Finite Element Computation of X-cor Sandwich's Tensile Modulus
摘要 通过分析X-cor夹层结构中Z-pin端部的细观结构,提出Z-pin端部树脂区椭圆形态的基本假设并建立X-cor夹层结构拉伸模量的有限元模型,利用大型有限元软件ANSYS对其拉伸模量进行了数值计算。研究了Z-pin植入角度、直径和密度的改变对X-cor夹层结构拉伸模量的影响。结果表明:X-cor夹层结构的拉伸模量随Z-pin植入角度增加而减小,随Z-pin直径和密度增加而增加。通过有限元模型的计算,得到了X-cor夹层结构参数对其拉伸模量的影响规律,数值计算结果误差范围是±10%,验证了所提的有限元模型的合理性,说明该模型可用于预测其拉伸模量。 After ana basic hypothesis that zing photomicrographs of Z-pin ends' micro-structures in X-eor sandwich, the the resin regions around Z-pin ends are elliptic is proposed. The finite element model of X-cor sandwich's tensile modulus was established and the finite element software ANSYS was used in the computation of tensile modulus. The effects of Z-pin angle, diameter and density on the X-cor sandwich's tensile modulus were analyzed. The numerical analysis results indicate that as the Z-pin angle increases the X-cor sandwich's tensile modulus decreases, as the Z-pin diameter in- creases the X-cor sandwich's tensile modulus increases and as the Z-pin density increases the X-cor sandwich's tensile modulus also increases. Through the analysis of finite element model, the effect trends of X-cor sandwich' parameters to the tensile modulus are achieved and the error range is ±10%. So the rationality of proposed finite element model is verified and the finite element model can be used to evaluate the X-cor sandwich's tensile modulus.
出处 《材料工程》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2012年第6期80-85,共6页 Journal of Materials Engineering
基金 河南工程学院博士基金资助项目(D2010002)
关键词 X-COR夹层结构 Z-PIN 拉伸模量 有限元 X-cor sandwich Z-pin tensile modulus finite element
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