
轴对称再入舱模型气动热特性数值模拟研究 被引量:2

Aero-heating numerical simulation of axisymmetric re-entry vehicle body
摘要 应用基于块结构网格的有限体积求解方法,对热化学非平衡环境下轴对称再入舱模型的气动热特性进行了数值模拟。控制方程为带化学反应的多组元轴对称N-S方程,空间离散采用VanLeer迎风格式,时间推进为隐式LU-SGS格式;采用7组元7化学反应模型及Park双温模型模拟再入流场的热化学非平衡效应。对Hollis MP-1模型的气动热特性进行了数值模拟,分别就网格效应、湍流模型、流场的热力学性质对流场的气动力、热环境的影响进行了深入研究。研究结果表明:SST模型与k-w1998模型能更准确地计算再入流场热流峰值的位置与大小;在再入舱模型的局部区域,采用热力学非平衡模型计算的物面压强与热流结果要明显低于热力学平衡模型的结果。 The block-structure finite volume scheme is applied to simulate the aero-heating character of re-entry flows with thermo-chemical non-equilibrium reactions.The governing equations employed here are the axisymmetric multi-component Navier-Stokes equations and the spatial distribution is discretized by Van Leer upwind scheme,with an implicit LU-SGS time advancing scheme.The seven species and seven reactions model and Park’s two-temperature model are employed to simulate the effect of thermo-chemical non-equilibrium.The computational model is Hollis’ 70-deg sphere-cone configuration.The influences of grid properties,turbulence model and the thermodynamic property of flow-field are studied.Results obtained indicate that(1) SST and k-w1998 turbulence models can accurately calculate the magnitude and location of aero-heating’s peak of re-entry flows;(2) In the local area of re-entry model,the calculation results of surface pressure and aero-heating by the thermodynamic non-equilibrium model is significantly lower than those by thermodynamic equilibrium model.
出处 《应用力学学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2012年第3期284-290,353,共7页 Chinese Journal of Applied Mechanics
关键词 热化学非平衡 气动热 双温模型 高超声速 湍流模型 thermo-chemical non-equilibrium,aero-heating,two-temperature model,hypersonic,turbulence model
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