轧钢高压水喷射除鳞对提高钢材轧制表面质量效果明显 ,除鳞喷射阀结构特殊 ,由气压驱动 ,其启闭特性与一般水阀不同。分析了其阀芯所受水压力 ,液流力及密封的摩擦力 ,从而给出了启闭喷射阀所需气压作用力的计算式 ,并以研制的喷射阀的实际数据作为例子计算了该阀的启闭特性 ,解决了阀门流量大 ,压力高启闭难的问题。
It is very efficient for improving the surface quality of steel billets by descaling with high pressure water jet when steel rolling. The jet valve driven by pneumatic cylinder gets its special construction and different open and shut characteristic from the others. The water pressure, fluid kinetic and frictional effects on the spool of the valve are analyzed, therefore deduced the equation for calculating the need of the air pressure to open and shut the jet valve, and the another used the jet valve that manufactured them as the example to determine the characteristic of the valve, and large flow rate of the valve.
Metallurgical Equipment