
基于对偶四元数的编队飞行卫星相对位姿描述 被引量:1

Algorithm for Relative Position and Attitude of Formation Flying Satellites Based on Dual Quaternion
摘要 为统一描述编队飞行卫星中主从星的相对位置和姿态参数,利用对偶四元数,建立编队飞行卫星运动学模型,分析其物理意义,提出了基于对偶四元数的编队飞行卫星相对位姿描述的划船算法,并利用这一算法解算出相对位置和姿态参数,突破了传统方法中将卫星轨道和姿态分而治之的方式。仿真结果表明该算法科学合理,能够有效描述编队飞行卫星间的相对位置和姿态。 Abstract To unify the description satellites, a boating algorithm based on method, the kinematics model meanings were analyzed. This attitude calculating. Simulation relative position and attitude of of relative position and attitude of the formation flying dual quaternion was proposed. Using the dual-quaternion of formation flying satellites was established and its physical algorithm combined the solutions for relative position and results indicate that the algorithm can effectively describe the formation flying satellites in a scientific and rational way.
出处 《中国空间科学技术》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2012年第3期20-26,34,共8页 Chinese Space Science and Technology
基金 国家自然科学基金(60974107) 国家大学生创新性实验计划(101028738)资助项目
关键词 划船算法 对偶四元数相对位置 相对姿态 姿态控制 编队飞行卫星 Boating algorithm Dual quaternion Relative position Relative attitude Attitude controlFormation flying satellites
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