论述了近年来鞍钢进行的优化配煤结构的科研工作。以焦炭在高炉中劣化过程的研究为依据 ,转变对焦炭质量指标和配煤技术的认识。在配煤中 ,多配用价格较低的瘦煤和低灰、低硫的 1/3焦煤 ;减少价格较高的强粘结性焦煤和肥煤的比例 ,使配煤原料成本大幅度降低 ,焦炭灰分下降。鞍钢 1999年焦炭质量达到历史最好水平 。
Scientific research of optimizing coal match carried out in AISC in recent years is expounded. Based on the research of degradation process of coke in BF,recognization for coke quality index and coal match technology is changed.In coal match,lean coal of low coat and 1/3 coke coal of low sulphur are decreased,and expensive high binding strength and fat coal are decreased,which reduced costs of coal match raw material to great extent,and make coke ash lower.The coke quality in 1999 has achieved the best historical level,at the same time,major technical and economical index of BF have alse reached the best historical level.
Angang Technology