Detection of " Candidatus Phytoplasma asteris" in Brussels Sprout and Its Possible Association with Flower Bud Failure in Poland
Detection of " Candidatus Phytoplasma asteris" in Brussels Sprout and Its Possible Association with Flower Bud Failure in Poland
Severe growth abnormalities including shoot stunting, leaf blade reduction and flower bud failure of Brussels sprout were observed in Poland. The presence of phytoplasma in diseased as well as in healthy looking plants, was demonstrated by nested polymerase chain reaction assay employing phytoplasma universal rRNA primer pairs-P1/P7 followed by R16F2n/R16R2. Products of PCR primed by R 16F2n/R 16R2 primer pair from naturally infected Brussels sprouts were sequenced. Comparison of the obtained 16S rDNAs revealed high nucleotide sequence identity between analyzed phytoplasma isolates (99.8%-100%). They were also nearly identical with the sequences of other phytoplasmas isolates from sub-group 16SrI-B, and they were classified as members of "Candidatus Phytoplasma asteris".
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