水稻矮缩病,又称水稻普通矮缩病、普矮、青矮等,病原为水稻矮缩病毒(Rice Dwarf Virus,RDV)。该病主要分布于我国南方稻区,寄主有水稻、野生稻、稗、看麦娘、早熟禾、雀稗等。水稻矮缩病毒主要由黑尾叶蝉传播,一般苗期和分蘖期最容易感染病毒病。发病初期,在新叶叶脉上出现黄绿色或黄白色小点。随后,小点沿叶脉逐渐延长,形成排列成行的断续条点。发病后期,病株叶色浓绿,质地僵硬,植株矮缩。对于水稻矮缩病的防治应以农业防治以及化学防治黑尾叶蝉为主,在加强栽培管理和提高植株抗性的基础上,采用生长期喷药保护为重点的综合防治策略。
The etiology of rice dwarf disease was Rice Dwarf Virus, and it mainly occurred in rice planting area of south China. The host plants of rice dwarf disease were Oryzae satire, O- ryzae sative var. spontanea, Panicum crus, Alopecurus aequalis Sobol., Poaan- nua, Paspalum scrobiculatum Linn., and so on. The Rice Dwarf Virus was spread by Nephotettix bipunctatus (Fabrieius), and the rice was susceptible to be infect- ed by the virus during seedling and tiller- ing stage. In the initial stage of inci- dence, there were only yellow green or yellow white small dots on the new leaf vein. Then the dots were gradually lengthened along the vein, and turned to interrupted strip dots in line. In the late stage of incidence, the color of leaf turned to be dark green, its character was stiff, the plant was stunt, and its intern- ode was shortened. In the integrated con- trol methods of rice dwarf disease, the a- gricultural control and chemical control of Nephotettix bipunctatus (Fabricius) were the chief methods, and using pesti- cides to protect plants in growth period was the core method, on the basis of strengthening cultivation management and enhancing the resistant of plant.
Journal of Agricultural Catastrophology
Rice dwarf disease
Nephotettix bipunctatus (Fabricius)
Oc-currence rule
Control method