Objective In order to investigate the relationship between blood lipid level and carotid plaque in Chinese population,this study will determine whether the ratio of apoB/apoal is superior to any of the lipids or lipid ratios in predicting the presence of carotid plaque. Methods Medical data of 833 patients aged 40 or over 40 was ret- rospectively collected from the Department of Neurology and the Department of Cardiovascular of the Forth Affiliated Hospital of Jinan University from September 2009 to March 2010. The data including age, sex, ultrasound data derived from carotid, Lp (a) and other lipid lipoprotein variables, hsCRP, fasting glucose values was collected. All patients were divided into 2 groups according to the presence or absence of carotid plaque,namely,the plaque group(n: 537) and the non-plaque group(n: 296). Demographic data was under descriptive analysis between 2 groups. A binary lo- gistic regression analysis was performed to identify independent risk factors for the presence of carotid plaque. Results The median of age, hsCRP, triglyceride, total cholesterol, LDL-C, VLDL-C, ApoB, Apo a I , Lp (a), nonHDL-C, LDL-C/HDL-C ratio,TC/HDL-C ratio,ApoB/Apo a I ratio of the plaque group were significantly higher than those of the non plaque group and their median of HDL-C and ApoA1 were significantly lower. The male number was larger in the plaque group. There was no difference in the median of fasting glucose between 2 groups. Logistic regression revealed that man (OR: 1. 745,95%CI: 1. 262-2. 415),age(year)(OR: 1. 085,95 %60CI:1. 068-1. 101),Apo-B/Apo-a I ratio (OR= 9. 860,95%CI.. 4. 550-21. 364) were risk factors for the presence of carotid plaque. Conclusion Age, man, Apo B/Apo a I ratio are independent risk factors for the presence of carotid plaque. Apo-B/Apo-a I ratio is superior to any of the lipids or lipid ratios in predicting the presence of carotid plaque in Chinese population.
Chinese Youjiang Medical Journal