
静电纺丝素-透明质酸共混纳米纤维形态结构研究 被引量:3

Study on electrospun Silk Fibroin-Hyaluronic acid blends nanofbers and its structure
摘要 以甲酸为溶剂,采用静电纺丝方法制备丝素蛋白(SF)与不同相对分子质量的透明质酸(HA)共混纳米纤维,并通过扫描电镜(SEM)、红外光谱(FTIR)、X射线衍射(XRD)和热分析(TG-DTA)研究了SF-HA共混纳米纤维非织造网的形态、结构和性能。结果表明:通过静电纺丝,丝素与低分子量的透明质酸共混纳米纤维直径在100 nm左右,纤维表面光滑,呈圆柱状;高分子量透明质酸的加入使得纤维形态变差,出现严重的粘连现象;透明质酸的加入未对丝素分子构象和结晶结构产生明显影响。 Silk fibroin and different molecular hyaluronic acid blend nanofibers (SF-HA) were obtained by electro spinning and using formic acid as solvent. Morphological structure and molecular structure of the SF-HA blend nanofibers were examinedby SEM, FTIR, XRD, TG-DTA. It shows that the average diameters of SF-HA blend nanofibers was about 100 nm; the surface of blend fibers was smooth and the shape was cylindrical; with the addition of high molecular hyaluronic acid, the morphology of SF-HA became worse and the nanofibers had serious connection with each other. However, the result proved that the addition of little hyaluronic acid had no significant effect on the molecular conformation and crystal structure.
出处 《丝绸》 CAS 北大核心 2012年第6期5-7,30,共4页 Journal of Silk
基金 苏州市科技计划项目(SG201046) 江苏省高校优势学科一期建设工程项目(苏政办发[2011]6号)
关键词 丝素蛋白 透明质酸 静电纺丝 共混纳米纤维 Silk fibroin Hyaluronic acid Electrospun Blend nanofibers
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