镍生物浸出法 ( Bio NIC)是由 Gencor公司作为与传统的从低品位硫化矿中熔炼回收镍工艺的竞争工艺而开发的。该法包括如下基本的单元操作 :( 1)生物浸出使金属硫化物氧化 ,并使可溶性金属进入溶液 ;( 2 )调整溶液的p H值除去铁 ;( 3 )固 /液分离 ;( 4 )产出硫化物沉淀 ,用离子交换或溶剂萃取富集和净化工艺溶液 ,以产生净化电解液 ;( 5 )净化后的电解液进行电积 ,生产纯阴极镍 ,或者用氢还原生产镍粉。Gencor公司在 BIOX法基础上开发了生物浸出技术 ,商业上已用它处理难处理的金矿。 1997年上半年中间示范厂在 Gencor工艺研究所投入运行 ,以证明 Bio NIC大规模处理西澳大利亚 Maggie Hays矿体的可能性。示范厂每天将生产大约 2 0 kg阴极镍。本文着重介绍开发的工艺流程和实验室以及中间工厂操作的结果。
The BioNIC Process is being developed by GENCOR as a competitive process to conventional smelting for the recovery of nickel from low grade sulphide ores. The BioNIC process flow sheet involves the following principal unit operations: i) bioleaching to oxidise metal sulphides and release soluble metals into solution; ii) adjustment of pH to remove iron; iii) solid liquid separation; iv) production of a sulphide precipitate, or concentration and purification of the process liquor by ion exchange or solvent extraction to produce an upgraded electrolyte; v) electrowinning of the upgraded electrolyte to produce a pure nickel cathode, or hydrogen reduction to produce nickel powder. The bioleaching technology has been developed by GENCOR from its BIOX Process, which is commercially applied for the treatment of refractory gold ores. A demonstration pilot plant will be operated at GENCOR Process Research in the first half of 1997, to prove the viability of the BioNIC Process for commercial treatment of the Maggie Hays ore body, in Westem Australia. The demonstration plant will produce about 20 kg of cathode nickel per day. This paper focuses on the process flowsheets developed and presents results from laboratory and pilot plant operations.
Non-Ferrous Smelting