
网购中服务失误对关系质量及顾客重购意愿的影响——基于关系类型调节下的实证研究 被引量:11

The impact of service failures on relationship quality and repurchase intention in online purchasing——An Empirical Study based on relationship type's regulation
摘要 以服务失误为自变量,关系质量(包括满意和信任)和顾客重购意愿为因变量,关系类型为调节变量构建了概念模型。采用关键事件法进行调查,通过统计分析抽样调查所得到的数据,分别测评了网购中发生的三类服务失误对关系质量和顾客重购意愿的影响,发现三类服务失误都对关系质量和顾客重购意愿有不同程度的负向影响,但差异性不显著。其次,不同服务失误类型下,关系类型对关系质量和顾客重购意愿有一定的调节作用,但调节作用不显著。再次,与信任关系顾客相比,偶遇关系顾客在服务失误发生后与该网店的关系质量和重购意愿更差。另外,关系质量对顾客重购意愿有显著正向影响。最后,根据研究结果得出了相关管理启示,为网店提高效益提供新的视角。 A conceptual model is built, in which service failures act as the independent variables, relationship quality (include satisfaction and trust) and repurchase intention are dependents, and relationship type is the moderator. Then the impacts of three kinds of service failures on relationship quality and repurchase intention are evaluated with the sample data through the key events method. The results show that three kinds of service failures have different negative effects on relationship quality and customers' repurchase intention, but the difference is not significant. Secondly, relationship type has certain regulation when different service failures impact relationship quality and repurchase intention, but not significant, either. Thirdly, compared to the customers who have trust relationship with the online shop, the other ones will have worse relationship quality and repurchase intention when service failures happen. In addition, relationship quality has significantly positive effect on customers' repurchase intention. Finally, according to the research, some related management inspirations are found, and the online shop can gain more benefits in this new perspective.
出处 《中南大学学报(社会科学版)》 CSSCI 2012年第3期123-130,134,共9页 Journal of Central South University:Social Sciences
关键词 网购 服务失误 关系质量 满意 信任 重购意愿 关系类型 purchasing online service failures relationship quality satisfaction trust repurchase intention relationship type
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