

Study of Synthesis of Lsobutyl Chloroacetate with SO_4^(2-)/TiO_2/Bentonite
摘要 以低廉的膨润土为载体原料,采用浸渍法制备了固体超强酸SO42-/TiO2/膨润土;再以氯乙酸和异丁醇为原料,SO42-/TiO2/膨润土为催化剂,催化合成了氯乙酸异丁酯。探讨了SO42-/TiO2/膨润土对酯化反应的催化活性,研究了原料醇酸摩尔比、反应时间、带水剂选择、带水剂用量、催化剂用量、催化剂重复使用性等反应条件对酯化反应的影响。结果表明:在氯乙酸用量为0.20mol,醇酸摩尔比为1.2∶1,催化剂用量为0.5g,反应时间为3h,带水剂环己烷用量为5mL时,酯化率可达99.27%,催化剂重复使用6次后仍具有较高活性。表明SO42-/TiO2/膨润土催化剂具有稳定的催化活性。 The solid superacid SO4^2-/TiO2/Bentonite was prepared by co-precipitation impregna- tion method with low-cost Bentonite. Isobutyl chloroacetate was synthesized from chloroacetic acid and isobutyl alcohol with solid superacid SO4^2-/TiO2/Bentonite as the catalyst. And the cat- alytic activity of SO4^2-/TiO2/Bentonite on esterification was studied. The effect of experimental reaction conditions, such as the molar ratio of acid to isobutyl alcohol, the reaction time, the choice of the water-taking agent, the amount of water-taking agent, the amount of catalyst, con- version and reusability of the catalyst on the esterification was studied. The optimum reaction conditions were found as follows: the amount of chloroacetic acid 0. 20mol, n(alcohol) : n(acid)=1. 2 : 1, the dosage of catalyst 0.5g, reaction time 3h, the dosage of cyclohexane 5mL, the yield of esteri- fication could reach 99.27 %. The catalyst showed that high activity after being reused for six times. The results showed the catalyst SO4^2-/TiO2/Bentonite had fine activity and could be used abroadly.
出处 《唐山学院学报》 2012年第3期27-30,共4页 Journal of Tangshan University
关键词 SO42-/TiO2/膨润土 固体超强酸 酯化反应 氯乙酸异丁酯 SO4^2-/TiO2/bentonite solid superacid esterification isobutyl chloroacetate
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