
云计算总体架构及其应用与商业模式探讨 被引量:13

Investigation of Overall Architecture,Applications and Business Models of Cloud Computing
摘要 云计算具有全新的IT架构,可以灵活提供服务给具有不同需求的用户。通过对云架构的研究,指出云架构主要分为服务和管理两部分,详细解析了软件即服务(SaaS)、平台即服务(PaaS)和基础设施即服务(IaaS)及其实现的关键技术,以及管理部分客户层、管理功能层和监控层的架构和功能实现。最后,面向应用,给出了具体云计算构架的实例,并结合应用,提出了云应用的4种商业模式,即公有云、私有云、行业云和混合云,对云服务供应商面向客户的运营选取有一定的指导作用。 Cloud computing has a new IT architecture and the flexibility to provide services to the different needs of users. On the basis of research on cloud architecture, it is pointed out that the cloud structure is divided into two parts, and detailed analysis is done on services and management of the key technology of SaaS (software as a service), PaaS( platform as a service) and IaaS ( infrastructure as a service) as well as its realization, and management part of the client layer, the functional layers of management and monitoring layer architecture and function. Finally, the specific cloud computing archi- tecture is given, combining application of four business models for cloud applications, public cloud, private cloud, the industry cloud and mixed cloud. Some directions can be given through the cloud service provider-oriented operation.
作者 杨舰友 唐彦
出处 《数字通信》 2012年第3期3-6,共4页 Digital Communications and Networks
关键词 云计算 云架构 软件即服务(SaaS) 平台即服务(PaaS) 基础设施即服务(IaaS) Cloud computing Cloud architecture SaaS PaaS IaaS
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