
胆管结石复发相关因素分析 被引量:7

Analysis of Related Factors of the Relapse of Cholelithiasis
摘要 胆石病是普外科常见疾病,按胆结石发生部位不同可分为胆囊结石、肝外胆管结石和肝内胆管结石。一期手术治疗可选择胆囊切除、胆总管切开取石等不同的手术方式,但术后结石可能复发,这将给患者带来身体和经济上的双重伤害。胆管结石复发和以下因素有关:胆汁成分异常;胆管感染;胆管动力学异常;前期手术方式的选择;饮食因素;免疫因素等。了解胆管复发与残留结石的形成相关因素对于此类结石的预防和再治疗有着积极的意义。 Cholelithiasis is a commonly seen disease in general surgery department,which can be divided into cholicystolithiasis,extrahepatic cholangiolithiasis and intrahepatic cholangiolithiasis according to the topogenesis..Different surgical methods such as cholecystectomy,choledocholithotomy and ERCP are good options for patients.However,stone relapse may bring patients physical and economic harm.The factors of stone relapse are abnormal bile components,biliary tract infection,abnormal biliary dynamics,pre-surgical options,dietary factors,immune factors and so on.It is of great significance to understand the related factors of stone relapse and residual lithogenesis for the prevention and retreatment.
出处 《医学综述》 2012年第11期1692-1694,共3页 Medical Recapitulate
关键词 胆管结石 复发 相关因素 Cholelithiasis Relapse Related factors
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