
求职自我效能感对求职行为的作用机制 被引量:9

Job Search Self-efficacy and Its Mechanism for Job Search Behavior
摘要 求职自我效能感是个体对自己完成求职活动的信心。越来越多的研究发现,求职自我效能感对求职行为会产生影响。在总结求职自我效能感研究的基础上,作者详细探讨了求职自我效能感对求职行为的具体作用机制,即直接作用、间接作用和阶段性作用,并提出了求职自我效能感对求职行为的多途径作用模型。求职自我效能感今后还有一些问题需要研究,比如理论建构、文化影响、性别差异等。 Searching for a job is a main event for graduates. Finding a job is a significant process to en- ter into the society. Job search self-efficacy is the confidence for achieving job activities. More and more studies have found that job search self-efficacy has an effect on job search behavior. Based on previous studies, author analyses the factors which can affect job search self-efficacy, introduces the theory of planned behavior and the sequential model of job search behavior, and discusses the mechanism of job search self-efficacy for job search behavior, which is direct impact, indirect impact, and gradual impact. After these analysis author establishes the muhipath model of job search self-efficacy. The future research about job search self-efficacy should discuss several questions, such as theoretical construction, cultural influence, gender differences, improving and intervening job search self-efficacy to help job seekers.
出处 《心理研究》 2012年第3期48-53,共6页 Psychological Research
基金 教育部人文社会科学规划基金(10YJAXLX011) "人的发展与心理健康湖北省重点实验室"基金(200907)
关键词 求职自我效能感 求职行为 作用机制 多途径作用模型 job search self-efficacy job search behavior mechanism multipath model
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