
PET/CT放射性核素的分装和注射人员受照剂量 被引量:13

The exposure dose to PET/CT technologists
摘要 目的测量PET/CT中心分装和注射人员职业受照剂量,为PET/CT中心防护设计和国家防护标准制定提供基本资料。方法应用普通TLD测量PET/CT中心分装和注射人员胸部、颈部受照剂量,用指环剂量计测量他们手部剂量,每月测量一次,共测量6个月;同时在铅衣内、外相对位置粘贴剂量计,比较两者剂量大小。结果 PET/CT中心分装和注射人员全身剂量较高,他们分担了各自中心集体剂量的64%~94%;甲状腺受照剂量为1.20~1.70mSv/a,个别人员手部剂量超过了500mSv/a;穿铅衣可以将受照剂量减少8%。结论分装和注射人员是PET/CT中心主要的受照人群,需要采取更多的措施降低他们的受照剂量,尤其是手部剂量。 Objective We conduct a field survey to measure the radiation dose of technologists for preparing and ad- ministrating radiopharmaeeuticals in PET/CT faeilities, these work may contribute to protective design for PET facility or a pro- spective state radioactive protection standards. Method Common TLDs are tied to thorax or necklace of technologists to moni- tor the total or thyroid dose;and ring TLDs are fixed on both index fingers for hand dose. Assembled and measured all these TLDs each month in half year. Additionally,we mesure and compare the dose values of TLDs attached inside the lead with that of outside. Results The PET/CT technologists received relatively abundant exposure and account for 64% - 94% of the col- lective dose in their facilities;their thyroid dose is in the range of 1.20- 1.70 mSv/a,cven some technologists'hand dose ex- ceed 500mSv/a;Lead clothing reduces the average dose by 8%. Conclusion Technologists in PET/CT facilities are the major exposed population, they need to take more measures to reduce the dose ,in particularly the hand dose.
出处 《中国辐射卫生》 2012年第2期181-183,共3页 Chinese Journal of Radiological Health
关键词 PET/CT 职业照射 剂量 防护 PET/CT Occupational Exposure Dose Protection
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