
基于服务水平约束的联合库存管理模型 被引量:4

The Jointly Managed Inventory Model Based on Service Level Constraint
摘要 联合库存管理是当前库存论研究的一个热点.文章分别就提前期为固定常数和随机变量两种情况,建立了单一产品、基于库存成本最小及运输成本最小的多目标规划模型,并给出了相应的最优库存策略. Jointly managed inventory (JMI) is currently a hot topic in the research of inventory theory. In this paper, the author consider lead time on constant and random variables, establish a single product, based on inventory cost and transportation cost minimum muhy target programming model, and gives the optimal inventory strategy.
出处 《赣南师范学院学报》 2012年第3期19-21,共3页 Journal of Gannan Teachers' College(Social Science(2))
关键词 联合库存管理 两级库存管理 服务水平 提前期 JMI two levels of inventory management service level lead time
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