
全轻混凝土柱偏心受压性能试验研究 被引量:6

Experimental Study on All-lightweight Aggregate Concrete Columns Performance Under Eccentric Loading
摘要 为形成集承重、轻质、节能于一体的多层建筑结构体系,推广全轻混凝土在结构体系中的应用,需对全轻混凝土柱偏心受压性能进行试验研究.试验共设计偏心受压柱6根,对比分析不同配筋、不同偏心距对偏心受压柱的破坏形态、变形特点和承载性能的影响.试验结果表明,全轻混凝土偏心受压柱破坏特征、挠曲模式及截面应变分布与普通混凝土柱基本一致,而且承载力高、延性好,全轻混凝土可作为结构材料替代普通混凝土. In order to develop a new multi - story structural system which has a multifunction of load - bearing, lightweight and energy saving, extend the use of all - lightweight aggregate concrete in the construction. We need to do research on all - lightweight aggregate concrete columns under eccentric loading. The test design 6 columns in all. The destructed form, deformation characteristics and load - bearing properties of all - lightweight aggregate con- crete are studied by comparing different symmetrical reinforcement and different eccentricity. The test results show that the failure characteristics and flexural mode of all -lightweight aggregate concrete eccentric compression column are the same with the ordinary reinforced concrete column' s. And all - lightweight aggregate concrete columns were loaded to failure with high load - bearing capacity and good ductility. It can he the structural material instead of ordinary concrete.
作者 杨艳敏 姚巍
出处 《吉林建筑工程学院学报》 CAS 2012年第3期1-4,共4页 Journal of Jilin Architectural and Civil Engineering
基金 住房和城乡建设部(2011-K3-20) 吉林省教育厅(2012200)
关键词 全轻混凝土柱 偏心受压 静载试验 all - lightweight aggregate concrete columns eccentric loading static load tests
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