

The Manipulation Mechanism of Product Symbolic Meaning:From Customer Perspective
摘要 象征消费是消费者为了满足自我或与身份相关的象征性需求而进行的消费活动,其本质是完成自我和身份的构建。但是这种自我的构建必须借助于对产品象征意义的操纵,促进象征意义的转移和流动才能得以实现。对于象征意义的操纵和流动机制,以往的研究不能给予明确的解答。通过对象征消费文献的整理和归纳,概括出消费者-产品两类关系状态和四种得以实现象征意义流动的操纵策略:象征意义的汲取、注入、清洗和舍弃。丰富了象征消费的相关文献,并对正在实行品牌象征化实践的企业具有一定的现实指导意义。 Symbolic consumption is the activity to fulfill symbolic need which is relevant with self and identity. In essence, symbolic consumption is used to fulfill the construction of self and identity, but self construction should count on the manipulation of product symbolic meaning which will facilitate the flow of symbolic meaning. And there is no clear answer to the manipulation mechanism of symbolic meaning in prior literature. Basing on this, this paper generalizes two kinds of consumer-product relationship and four kinds of symbolic meaning manipulation mechanism: symbolic meaning extracting, investing, cleansing and divesting, and thus enriches the literature, gives some suggestions to corporation under the task of brand symbolism.
出处 《南京财经大学学报》 2012年第2期8-14,共7页 Journal of Nanjing University of Finance and Economics
基金 中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金(项目编号:201110501020011)资助
关键词 自我 象征消费 操作策略 象征意义 self symbolic consumption manipulation tactics symbolic meaning
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