
我国高校绩效评价的反思及展望 被引量:4

The Reflection and Prospect on the Performance Evaluation of Our Universities
摘要 高校绩效评价是对投入与产出的效率/效益的衡量。它作为一种相对评估,已成为对传统高校评估的有益补充。高校绩效评价的内涵体现为纵向和横向两个层面。纵向层面,高校绩效评价包括政府对高校的绩效评价和高校内部的绩效评价。横向层面,高校绩效评价包括对不同工作领域(诸如后勤管理、行政管理、科学研究、教育教学等方面)的评价。高等教育的属性既为绩效评价的应用提供了适切性,同时又提出了有限性。当前,我国现行的高校绩效评价已超出其有限性,存在诸如量化评价之于学术工作的片面性、评价维度的单一性带来的"趋同效应"、"排序效应"等问题。为了使绩效评估真正能够发挥对高等教育的助益作用,笔者认为应对绩效内涵作出"学术性"加工。 The performance evaluation of Higher education is the measure about input and output efficiency. It serves as a kind of relative evaluation,has become a useful complement to the traditional education evaluation. The performance evaluation embodies two dimensions, there are the vertical and lateral dimensions. On the vertical dimen- sion, performance evaluation of universities including the government evaluation and the internal evaluation. On the lateral dimension, performance evaluation of universities including different areas of work, such as logistics manage- ment, administrative management,scientific research, education and teaching, and so on. The attribute of higher education provide appropriateness for the application of the performance evaluation, at the same time, it puts forward the limitations. Currently,ours' performance evaluation has exceeded its limitation, existing the one-sidedness of the quantitative evaluation on the work of academic,the single evaluation and its problems, such as "convergence effect" and "sorting effect". In order to make the performance evaluation could play a positive role in our higher education, the author thinks the answer is to make "academic" processing on the performance evaluation.
作者 宋燕
出处 《评价与管理》 2012年第2期5-7,共3页 Evaluation & Management
关键词 绩效评价 高等教育 学术性 performance evaluation higher education academic
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