

Cognitive Turn of Context Studies and Its Implications for English Vocabulary Instruction
摘要 语境问题是语言研究中的一个核心问题,对语境的认识追随着语言研究的理路而嬗变。在结构主义语言研究的范式中,语境研究主要聚焦于语言层次中的内部结构关系,主张语境的形式理性;功能语言研究范式彰显语言的社会文化功能,寻求语境的工具理性;认知语言学强调语言与认知的关系,使语境研究发生认知转向,企图探索语境的关系理性。词汇作为语言有机体中最丰富、最核心的要素,它的生成、演变及其使用只能在语境的基底上得到合理的解释,作为一个重要知识领域的词汇教学研究自然离不开对语境的认知阐释。从认知语境视角看,词汇教学是调动学习者的词汇相关知识和经验论域知识的过程,彰显认知主体对词汇存在的语境阐释和理解,因为词汇意义是无数语境条件下的使用、复现特征的强化和固化,最终源于认知主体之经验。 The problem of context is one of the critical problems in linguistics studies, and understanding of context is ac- companied with the development of language theoretical paradigms. In structural linguistics context studies mainly focus on the internal relations of different language hierarchies, holding the formal rationality of context. Functional linguistics emphases the social and cultural function of language, seeking the instrumental rationality of context. Cognitive linguis- tics explores the relations between language and cognition, leading to cognitive turn of context studies and exploring the relation rationality. Vocabulary, as the richest and the most important essential of language, its generation, changing and use can be explained on the basis of context, and as an important field of knowledge, vocabulary and its instruction cannot be separated with the cognitive interpretation of context. From the perspective of cognitive context, vocabulary is a process of arousing learners" knowledge related to vocabulary and particular experience of learners, and embodying the role of cognitive subject in the course of explaining and understanding the context of vocabulary because vocabulary meaning derives from the enforcement and entrenchment of vocabulary features in varied contexts, and finally vocabulary meaning derives from cognitive subject'sexperience.
作者 牟娴
机构地区 贵阳学院外语系
出处 《贵阳学院学报(社会科学版)》 2012年第3期92-97,共6页 Journal of Guiyang University:Social Sciences
关键词 语境 认知转向 词汇教学 意蕴 context cognitive turn vocabulary instruction implications
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