
多孔介质方法在池式快堆系统分析软件SAC-CFR三维钠池计算模型中的应用 被引量:1

Application of Porous Medium Method on Three-Dimensional Sodium Pool Model for Pool-Type Fast Reactor System Analysis Code SAC-CFR
摘要 为准确分析池式快堆热钠池内的热工水力学特性,在已开发出的用于池式快堆系统分析的钠池三维计算模型的基础上,应用多孔介质方法建立钠池内中间热交换器、主泵、事故热交换器及屏蔽柱模型,完成了含有多孔介质模型和复杂几何边界的钠池三维计算模型开发。将该模型嵌入池式快堆系统分析软件SAC-CFR后,分析了中国实验快堆在稳态运行和紧急停堆工况下钠池内的流场分布,初步证明了所采用的多孔介质模型的合理性,为下一步非能动余热排出系统模型的开发做准备。 To simulate the fluid dynamic and thermal characteristics in sodium pool accurately,newly three-dimensional hot pool analysis model with porous medium model and complex geometry was developed after incorporating the porous model of penetration components into three-dimensional model developed already for system analysis of pool-type fast reactor.Penetration components include intermediate heat exchanger,primary pump,decay heat exchanger,and radial shielding.After coupling with the system analysis code SAC-CFR,the newly coupled code was applied to analyze the flow field in hot pool under steady-state operation condition and after scram.The agreement between the computational flow field and the geometry of hot pool shows the effectiveness of porous medium model,which makes preparations for further development of passive residual heat removal system.
出处 《原子能科学技术》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2012年第5期549-554,共6页 Atomic Energy Science and Technology
关键词 钠池 多孔介质 SAC-CFR sodium pool porous medium SAC-CFR
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