Science Citation Index (SCI) plays an important role in evaluating documents, authors and journals in medical field. F1000 gives an alternative to evaluations on documents and journals. The purpose of this study is to find differences of evaluating outcomes between SCI and FI000 medical edition by means of comparison between F1000 metrological analysis and SCI data. Methods: Data were collected from FI000 medical edition from very beginning to November, 2011 and analyzed from the aspects of year and journals that they belong to. We searched OVID Medline to acquire total numbers of documents of each journal and each year and then calculated the suggest ratio of these journals by years or total. After sorting by suggest number and by suggest ratio, we compared it with SCI data. Result: 1620 journals were indexed by these two evaluating tools. There were big differences in sorting outcomes between sorting by suggest number, by suggest ratio and by IF. Conclusion: There were big differences in evaluating outcomes between SCI and F1000 medical edition when medical journals were evaluated. F1000 medical edition plays the same important role as SCI in evaluating medical journals.
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