
非经济性公共物品需求的实证检验——基于省级面板数据 被引量:1

Empirical Test of the Demand for Non-economic Public Goods——Based on Provincial Panel Data
摘要 文章利用2003—2010年中国内地地区29个省(自治区、直辖市)的面板数据,估计了4类非经济性公共物品居民需求函数,实证检验与公共支出需求相关的因素,并分析非经济性公共物品的政府供给与居民需求的匹配指数。实证结果显示:非经济性公共物品需求与人均收入,人口规模和城市规模比重正相关。收入增加对教育,医疗和环境保护需求也在不断增加。居民税收负担增加,居民对公共服务的偏好就越小,但从总体上来讲,非经济公共物品供给矛盾在逐步缓解。 This paper uses panel dates of 29 provinces(autonomous regions and municipalities) from 2003 to 2010,estimates four categories of residents of non-economic public goods demand function,makes an empirical test of public spending demand-related factors,and analyzes non-financial public government supply needs of the residents of the items match the index. The empirical results show that the non-economic public goods demand is positively correlated with the proportion of per capita income,population size and urban scale.The increase in revenue on education,health and environmental protection requirements are also increasing.Residents' tax burden increased,the preferences of the residents of public service is smaller,but on the whole,the non-economic public goods supply contradictions will relieve gradually.
作者 刘健 杨德才
出处 《华东经济管理》 CSSCI 2012年第8期127-130,共4页 East China Economic Management
关键词 公共支出需求函数 偏好显示 供给匹配指数 public spending demand functions preference display supply match index
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