
低碳转型下的技术发展路径选择——基于技术学习、不确定性与碳税的分析 被引量:1

The Technology Development Path Selection under Transition to A Low-carbon Economy——Based on Technological Learning,Uncertainty and Carbon tax
摘要 通过建立一个内生技术变化的优化模型,考察了在不确定的技术学习、确定性的技术学习以及不确定的碳税3种情况下,向低碳经济转型的技术发展路径选择问题。研究表明,通过选择适当的技术发展路径,可以有效减少减排成本和碳排放,实现向低碳经济转型。技术学习是产生这种最优技术发展路径的关键因素,技术学习的不确定性会扩大不同技术发展路径之间的差异,而不确定的碳税则缩小了这些技术发展路径的差异。 This article examines how the uncertain technological learning,deterministic technological learning and uncertain carbon tax affect the technology development path and carbon emissions of the transition to low-carbon economy through an endogenous technological learning optimal model.Results show that the transition to low-carbon economy can be realized by choosing appropriate technology development path to decrease the costs and emissions.Technological learning is a key factor to generate such optimal path and the uncertainty in technological learning can expand the divergence between the technology development path.However,the uncertain carbon narrows the divergence.
出处 《科技进步与对策》 CSSCI 北大核心 2012年第12期1-4,共4页 Science & Technology Progress and Policy
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(70901026) 教育部人文社会科学基金项目(10YJC630032)
关键词 技术发展路径 不确定性 技术学习 碳税 Technology Development Path Uncertainty Technological Learning Carbon Tax
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