环氧粉末(FBE)喷涂作为目前防腐行业较为普遍的一个工艺环节,其均匀性非常重要,但较难控制。粉末喷涂的均匀性决定于两个因素:喷枪出粉稳定性和喷枪布置。根据喷涂时钢管螺旋前进的运动特性,虚拟出相对静止的喷枪布置点与钢管运行螺距线的静态关系;通过Auto CAD模拟整数倍螺距长度范围内喷枪着粉点的均匀布置,同时考虑实际工况下喷枪辐射扇面之间的干涉因素,将喷枪实际位置沿虚拟的螺距线方向上下错动布置,以形成最佳的喷枪布置方案。采用此布置方式后,FBE粉末厚度波动从±200μm降低到±100μm。
Fusion bonded epoxy (FBE)spraying is a general process link in the modern anti- corrosion industry. The coating uniformity is very important, but difficult to control. There are two factors, which influence its uniformity. They are spraying stability of the powder guns and the guns' arrangement. According to steel tube's motion characteristics when it is coated, the relationship between the position of the guns' arrangement ( relative rest) and the motion pitch line of the tube ( static state) was simulated. The uniform arrangement of the gun' s spraying points within the scope of the integral multiple length of the pitch was also simulated by Auto CAD. The actual interference factors between the radiation sectors of the guns were considered and the nozzle of the guns were adjusted along the pitch line up and down. In this way, the best arrangement scheme of the guns was formed. With this excellent scheme, the fluctuation of FBE coating thickness has dropped from + 200 μm to ± 100 μm, and the thickness accuracy has been improved.
Baosteel Technology
gun layout
thread pitch
fusion bonded epoxy (FBE)