宏观调控对于国民经济运行如同战略管理对于公司运营 ,有着战略性的影响。实施“软着陆”有效地控制了 90年代初房地产投资和证券投资过热的势头 ,以及它可能导致的更大的金融风险。但随后几年 ,国内又出现需求不振、经济增长速度下降的形势 ;受亚洲金融危机影响 ,净出口也在减少。市场经济再次给政府的宏观调控提出难题。本文从财政政策对经济发展的作用、投资需求与消费需求的关系以及政府投资与民间投资的关系三个方面 ,论述当前宏观调控实践中面临的关键问题。
Macroeconomic management produces strategic influence on the performance of the national economy. Therefore, ' soft landing ' policy has efficiently controlled the excessive investment on real estate and securities beginning in 1990s, and also made China get rid of the possible financial crisis related to such excessive investment. But later on, in the course of practising market-oriented economy, China faces such difficulties as weak demand of domestic market; slow growth of economy; and decrease in net exports influenced by Asian financial crisis. The author tries to discuss the crucial issues in macroeconomic management practice in three aspects: the effect of fiscal policy on the economic development; the relationship between investment demand and consumption demand; and the relationship between government investment and private investment.
Economic Survey