伴随着国际市场新一轮的兼并和收购浪潮 ,中国企业纷纷与外商合资 ,不少国际大公司在“近期贴本占市场 ,远期垄断图大利”的战略思想指导下 ,挤垮中国民族品牌 ,以期长期占有市场 ,随着中国加入世贸组织的临近 ,外国品牌与国产品牌的竞争将会更加激烈。本文分析洋品牌抢占中国市场的成因 ,以及国产品牌难以占领市场的原因 ,并提出了解决这一问题的办法。提醒政府和经营者重视民族品牌 ,牢记“只有民族的 ,才是世界的”。
With the approach of China's entrance into WTO, there will be a competition between foreign commodities of famous brands and our national commodities. This paper analyzes the present situation in our country of how the foreign brands controlling China's market, and why it is difficult for our own products to occupy the market. At the same time, this essay suggests the specific method to make our own famous brand products and improve our best products.
Economic Survey