目的了解大连市游泳池水水质卫生状况,加强游泳池的卫生管理、为保障游泳者的身体健康提供科学依据。方法按照《公共场所卫生监测技术规范》(GB/T 7220-1998)随机采集游泳池水样,按照《公共场所卫生标准检验方法》(GB/T 18204-2000)对游泳池水进行检验,根据《游泳场所卫生标准》(GB 9667-1996)进行水质评价。结果 2010年度共采集水样147份,合格份数为94份,总合格率为63.9%。2011年度共采集水样163份,合格份数为114份,总合格率为69.9%。两年水样总体合格率差异无统计学意义(P>0.05)。2010和2011年游泳池水游离性余氯合格率最低(70.9%、71.7%),其次是细菌总数(89.1%、92.0%);合格率较高的分别是尿素(96.6%、96.3%)、大肠菌群(100%、98.8%)、浑浊度(100%、100%)。结论大连市游泳池水的卫生状况不容乐观,应加强游泳场所的监管力度,强化消毒措施。
Objective To explore the water quality of swimming pool in Dalian, ensure the health of swimmers, and provide the scientific evidence for hygienic management of swimming pools. Methods The relative national standards were applied to randomly select the water samples in swimming pools and to detect for the water quality which was evaluated by Hygienic Standard for Swimming Place ( GB 9677 - 1996). Results A total of 147 water samples were detected in 2010, and 94 were qualified with the total qualified rate of 63.9%. 163 water samples were detected in 2011 ,and 114 were qualified with the total qualified rate of 69.9%. There was no significant difference in the total qualified rate of water samples between 2010 and 2011. In 2010 and 2011, the qualified rates of free residual chlorine of swimming pool water were the lowest (70. 9% and 71.7% ) ,followed by total bacteria count ( 89. 1% and 92. 0% ) . The qualified rates of urea (96. 6% and 96. 3% ) ,coliform bacteria ( 100% and 98. 8% ) and turbidity ( 100% and 100% ) were high. Conclusion The hygien- ic status of water quality of swimming pools in Dalian city is not optimistic. The management in public swimming places should be strengthened, and disinfection measures must be improved.
Chinese Journal of Public Health Engineering
Swimming pool
Water quality monitoring