

You Can Change Mang Things
摘要 一次和一位朋友外出。车子行驶在途中时,朋友好端端却将车停下。原来,路上有一只刺猬。这年头,能见到一只野生刺猬可不容易,他一定是想把这个小东西带回家,给自己那上学的女儿玩吧。朋友下车后,在路边找了一根树枝,将刺猬轻轻往路边拨,直到刺猬滚落进草丛。原来,他是在帮刺猬逃离死路。 One day, I went out with a fliend. As the ear was on the move, he stopped it suddenly. 'Ihen I found that there was a hedgehog on the read. We can rarely see a wild hedgeheg nowadays, so I guessed that he must he thinking of taking the little animal to his daughter, who was still a sludenl. After gelling off the car, my friend found a tree branch to move the hedgehog to the roadside lill it tumbled into the Brass. ~/hen I realized that he was helping the hedgehog escape.
出处 《高中生(作文)》 2012年第7期8-9,共2页
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