

The experimental study of optimizing the iodinated contrast media dose in MSCT Angiography of Pulmonary arter
摘要 目的探讨MSCT肺动脉血管成像(MSCTPA)降低碘对比剂剂量的可行性。方法将A-1.50mL/kg、B-1.25mL/kg、C-1.00mL/kg三种不同剂量碘对比剂以1.5mL/s注射速率随机对3只家犬进行8次,共24次MSCTPA。根据原始图像以及容积重现(VR)、最大密度投影(MIP)及多平面重建(MPR)分别对犬肺动脉边缘清晰程度、分支显示情况及肺静脉充盈程度进行评分。结果三者的评价一致性极佳,Kappa值分别为0.84、0.87、0.81。组间评分两两比较差异均无统计学意义。结论降低碘对比剂剂量,可得到良好犬肺动脉CTA图像,为临床优化碘对比剂使用,减少毒副作用提供实验依据。 [ Objective ] To Discuss the feasibility of reducing the iodine contrast media dose in MSCT Angiography of Pulmonary artery (MSCTPA). [ Methods] Three groups of different iodinated contrast media doses ( A - 1.50ml/ kg,B - 1. 25ml/kg,C - 1.00ml/kg) were random injected with 1.5 m/s rate into 3 dogs 8 times respectively, A total of 24 times of Pulmonary artery CT Angiograpby Scanning. According to the source images and the VR, MIP, MPR images, the result of each scan was respectively graded by the sharpness of the edge, Pulmonary artery branch condi- tions and Pulmonary vein conditions. [ Results ] The results of the three groups were correlative well, the Kappa values were respectively 0.84, 0.87, 0.81. There were no statistical differences between every two groups. [ Conclusion] It is feasible to obtain excellent canine pulmonary CTA images by reducing the contrast media dose in MSCTPA, provide the experimental basis for optimization of iodinated contrast media dose and reducing the toxic side effect.
出处 《中国医学工程》 2012年第4期25-26,28,共3页 China Medical Engineering
基金 辽宁省自然科学基金项目(20092187)
关键词 碘对比剂 剂量 CT血管造影术 动物实验 contrast Media dose CT angiography animal experiment
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