Objective To be compliance with the standard requirements, an investigation was undertaken on the existing emergency room in the rural primary hospitals in Taicang. Metheds In the light of Guide of the standards and management for the emergency room of primary hospital drafted by Suzhou Public Health Bureau, an investigation was conducted in twenty emergency rooms of the rural primary hospitals of Taicang. Results All of the twenty hospitals are capable to provide 24/7 emergency service. There is only one hospital which has its own emergency department, and rest of them functioning as combination of a hospital ward and an emergency room. The average area of emergency room is 18.91 m2 with an average value of 1.2 rescue unit. The task of treatment was undertaken by general practitioners in eighteen hospitals, and specialty of services was offered in two other hospitals. There are five hospitals providing ultrasonic testing in 24/7 while other fourteen hospitals only offer at certain time during a day, and only one is not capable. There are six hospitals providing normal radioscopy in 24/7, and thirteen in certain time during a day, and one cannot. All the twenty hospitals are able to provide oxygen therapy devices, in which sixteen of them provide aspirator, and fourteen provide manual respirator, five provide thyrocricocentesis, three provide tracheal intubation' s equipments, two have respirator. Eighteen have stomach pumps, three have defibrillators, fifteen have patient monitors, twenty have electrocardiographs, and seventeen have fast glueometer. The average value of a day shift is with 4.7emergency physician and 3.Tnurse. The average value of emergency physician and nurse are all 1.2 in late and night shift. The general carry-out rate of basic first aid technique is 50.48%, and tracheal intubation is 20%. Conclusion It demonstrated an unreasonable layout, the insufficient medical equipment and the low general carry out rate of basic first aid technique in the emergency room of the rural primary hospitals in Taicang.
China Journal of Emergency Resuscitation and Disaster Medicine
Primary hospitals
Emergency room