
PM2.5污染与居民每日死亡率关系的Meta分析 被引量:47

Meta-analysis of Association between Air Fine Particular and Daily Mortality of Residents
摘要 目的分析国内外PM2.5污染对居民每日死亡率的影响。方法通过Endnote软件在线搜集国内外关于PM2.5的暴露与居民每日死亡率关系的流行病学文献资料,提取文献中相关的数据,通过Meta分析方法评价国内外PM2.5暴露与居民每日死亡率的暴露-效应关系。结果 PM2.5浓度每升高10μg/m3,我国、北美和欧洲地区居民每日死亡率分别上升0.31%(95%CI:0.24%~0.37%)、1.26%(95%CI:1.15%~1.38%)和1.65%(95%CI:0.99%~2.30%);我国、美国、欧洲和日本地区居民呼吸系统疾病每日死亡率分别上升1.00%(95%CI:0.00%~1.90%)、1.78%(95%CI:0.20%~3.36%)、1.32%(95%CI:1.17%~1.49%)、0.74%(95%CI:0.43%~1.05%),心血管系统疾病每日死亡率分别上升0.50%(95%CI:0.10%~1.00%)、0.94%(95%CI:-0.14%~2.02%)、1.11%(95%CI:1.06%~1.16%)、0.55%(95%CI:0.37%~0.73%)。结论不同地区居民在PM2.5浓度升高后每日死亡率、相关呼吸系统和心血管系统疾病死亡率均有所升高,但我国PM2.5污染的影响小于北美和欧洲地区。 Objective To analyze the influence of fine particular matter (PM2.5) pollution on daily mortality of residents. Methods Based on the online search (Endnote) of epidemiological studies and relevant data, meta-analysis was used to do the comprehensive assessment to determine the PM2.5 exposure-response relationship. Results The exposure-effects relationship between short-term exposure to ambient PM2.5 and mortality of residents were found, as the concentration of PM2.5 increased by a certain degree (10 p^g/m~), the daily mortality of residents in China, US and Europe increased by 0.31%(95%C1:0.24%- 0.37%), 1.26%(95% CI:1.15%-1.38%) and 1.65%(95% CI:0.99%-2.30%), respectively; Respiratory mortality of residents in China, US, Europe and Japan increased by 1.00% (95% CI:0.00% - 1.90%), 1.78% (95% C1:0.20%-3.36%)', 1.32% (95% CI: 1.17% ,1.49% ), 0.74% (95% CI:0.43% -1.05% ), respectively. While cardiovascular mortality were 0.50% (95% C/:0.10% - 1.00% ), 0.94% (95% CI: -0.14% -2.02% ), 1.11% (95% CI:1.06% -1.16% ), 0.55% (95% CI:0.37% -0.73% ), respectively. Conclusion All the total mortality, respiratory and cardiovascular mortality increased as the PM2.5 concentrations increased in different areas, while the influence of PM2.5 in China is less than those in US and Europe.
出处 《环境与健康杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2012年第6期529-532,共4页 Journal of Environment and Health
基金 国家环境保护公益性行业科研专项(201009032) 国家重大科学仪器设备开发专项(2011YQ06011101)
关键词 细颗粒物 死亡率 暴露-效应关系 META分析 Fine particular matter Mortality Exposure-effects relationship Meta-analysis
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