
Web聚合应用的安全跨域通信机制 被引量:4

Secure cross-domain communication mechanism for Web mashups
摘要 针对聚合应用现有的多种跨域通信方案难以同时兼顾安全性和高效性,提出适合聚合应用的安全跨域通信(SCDC,secure cross-domain communication)系统,将不同信任域内容封装成安全组件,借助于分层通信栈实现域间通信,并通过封装对象实现细粒度对象共享。保障了聚合应用与组件间的安全跨域通信与对象共享,且不需要浏览器做任何修改。实验表明,系统引入了有限的开销,而通信效率提高了5倍以上。 Many methods were used in cross-domain communication,whereas they were hardly to meet the security and high performance requirements.To this end,a secure cross-domain communication(SCDC) mechanism was proposed for Web mashups.It encapsulates content from different trust domains as secure components,achieves cross-domain communication with layered communication stack,and shares fine-grained objects by wrapping objects.SCDC mechanism supports secure cross-domain communication,shares objects between mashups and components without any browser modifications.Experiments show that the mechanism improves the communication efficiency more than five-fold,and only incurs limited overhead.
出处 《通信学报》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2012年第6期19-29,共11页 Journal on Communications
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目(60803130 61173166) 中央高校基本科研业务基金资助项目~~
关键词 Web聚合应用 组件 跨域通信 共享对象 Web mashups components cross-domain communication shared object
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