Spatial and temporal change pattems of air temperature (7), precipitation (P), relative humidity (RH), lower vapor pressure (VP), potential evapotranspiration (PET) and drought situation of 690 meteorological stations for all of China were evaluated in this study to understand the effects of warming on regional drought and hydrological processes. Here, the drought extent is expressed by aridity index (AI), which is the ratio of precipitation and reference crop evapotranspiration (ETo) calculated by FAO Pen- man-Monteith equation, taking into account air temperature, atmospheric humidity, solar radiation, and wind. Our results indicate that there are different patterns of climate change from 1961 to 2008 and from 1981 to 2008. Little precipitation change occurred in China and ETo decreased from 1961 to 2008. But, the warming trend has intensified and the area with significant increasing precipitation has reduced since the early 1980's and ETo has increased in most areas of China from 1981 to 2008 and decreased from 1961 to 2008. The areas affected by drought have shifted from North China and Northeast China to East China and South China since 1981. It is speculated that the increasing warming intensity after 1981 possibly strengthened the power of potential evapotmnspiration and resulted in drought in most areas of Northeast China, North China, eastem Southwest China, and especially in East China and South China.
Spatial and temporal change pattems of air temperature (7), precipitation (P), relative humidity (RH), lower vapor pressure (VP), potential evapotranspiration (PET) and drought situation of 690 meteorological stations for all of China were evaluated in this study to understand the effects of warming on regional drought and hydrological processes. Here, the drought extent is expressed by aridity index (AI), which is the ratio of precipitation and reference crop evapotranspiration (ETo) calculated by FAO Pen- man-Monteith equation, taking into account air temperature, atmospheric humidity, solar radiation, and wind. Our results indicate that there are different patterns of climate change from 1961 to 2008 and from 1981 to 2008. Little precipitation change occurred in China and ETo decreased from 1961 to 2008. But, the warming trend has intensified and the area with significant increasing precipitation has reduced since the early 1980's and ETo has increased in most areas of China from 1981 to 2008 and decreased from 1961 to 2008. The areas affected by drought have shifted from North China and Northeast China to East China and South China since 1981. It is speculated that the increasing warming intensity after 1981 possibly strengthened the power of potential evapotmnspiration and resulted in drought in most areas of Northeast China, North China, eastem Southwest China, and especially in East China and South China.
supported by"Hundred Talents Program" of CAS
National Key Research Program of Chinese (2009CB421308)