
提高芝麻粕饲用品质的发酵菌种筛选与发酵条件优化 被引量:6

Study on Strains Screening and Fermentation Conditions for Enhance Feed Quality of Sesame Meal
摘要 以普通芝麻粕为原料,选用枯草芽孢杆菌、乳酸菌、酵母菌多个菌种,通过单因素、正交试验,优化微生物发酵条件,以降低芝麻粕中植酸含量,提高粗蛋白、酸溶蛋白等有益成分的含量。单因素试验的优化条件为:料水比1∶0.8(g∶mL)、R-02与KG-109混菌发酵;正交试验优化的发酵条件为:温度30℃、R-02与KG-109接种比例2∶1、接种量8%、时间10d。在此条件下发酵后植酸含量为0.08%,植酸降解率达到86.21%,粗蛋白含量为49.85%,酸溶蛋白为9.07%,挥发性盐基氮为2 075.5 mg/kg。 Single factor and orthogonal experiment was used to optimize the fermentation condition to reduce the phytase content and increase the beneficial content such as crude protein and acid insoluble protein in the sesame meal. Sesame meal was used as raw materials to ferment with Bacillus Subtilis, LactobaciUus, and Saccharomycetes. The conditions for single factor experiment were as follows : the ratio of material to water was 1 : 0.8 ( g: mL) , the addi- tive amount of phytase was 0.20% , bacteria R - 02 and KG - 109 was mixed fermented. And the optimal fermenta-tion conditions obtained via orthogonal test were as follows: the temperature was 30℃ , the inoculation proportion of R-02 to KG - 109 was 2: 1, the inoculation percentage was 8% and the fermentation time was 10 day. Under these fermentation conditions, the content and degradation rate of phytic acid were 0.08% and 86.21% , respectively. The content of crude protein, acid insoluble protein, and volatile basic nitrogen were 49.85% , 9.07% and 207.55 nag/ 100g, respectively.
出处 《食品与发酵工业》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2012年第5期122-128,共7页 Food and Fermentation Industries
基金 安徽省长三角联合科技攻关项目(10140702021) 安徽省现代农业(肉禽)项目(2011)
关键词 芝麻粕 植酸 固态发酵 优化 sesame meal, phytic acid, solid-state fermentation, optimize
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