

The Ecological Significance of Leibniz's View of Nature
摘要 莱布尼茨虽生活在被机械自然观逐渐"祛魅"的时代,但他超越了时代的局限,认同机械自然观的解释力的同时也认识到这种自然观的不足,并且他指出了目的论用以解释自然的积极价值。他将机械论与目的论在其自然观中调和起来。在这种调和的视角下,莱布尼茨通过一系列的原则:个体性原则、连续性原则、和谐原则、最佳原则建构出一幅有机的自然图景。今天,人们仍然在机械自然图景中继续着祛魅的进程,所造成的结果是人类生态家园惨遭破坏,人类精神无处安放,而机械自然观无法应对当前人类所面临的这种危机。莱布尼茨的有机自然观对自然的返魅以及构建和谐的生态环境具有建设性意义。 The period in which Leibniz lived is the era of disenchantment of nature by mechanical view of nature. Leibniz surpassed his contem- poraries, because he not only approved mechanical view of nature but also knew its defect. Furthermore, he realized the positive value and ulti- mate significance of teleology. Therefore, he intended to reconcile teleology and mechanism in his view of nature. By such reconciliation view- point, Leibniz established an organic view of nature on the ground of the principle of individuality, the principle of continuum, the principle of harmony, as well as the principle of optimization. Nowadays, due to mechanical view of nature, the disenchantment process of nature still con- tinues. As a result of that disenchantment process, ecological homeland of human has been destroyed and human have lost their spiritual home- land as well. But mechanical view of nature fails to solve ecological crisis and spiritual crisis fundamentally caused by ecological crisis. Leibniz' s organic view of nature possesses constructive significance for the reenchantment of nature and building harmonious ecological environment.
作者 杨关玲子
出处 《自然辩证法研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2012年第6期87-91,共5页 Studies in Dialectics of Nature
基金 中国石油大学(北京)引进人才科研启动基金资助"莱布尼茨自然观研究"(QD-2010-04)阶段性成果
关键词 祛魅 机械论 目的论 有机自然观 Disenchantment Mechanism Teleology Organic View of Nature
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