提出了一种计算不同温度、压强下溶液密度的新方法:先用液体状态方程外推法计算各种温度、压强下溶液各纯组分的密度,然后再利用Lorentz-Lorenz公式对各纯组分密度进行合成,从而获得相同条件下溶液的密度。以多种二元溶液为例进行了计算,结果表明:在多种摩尔分数、温度和压强下,计算值与实验测量值吻合得非常好,平均绝对偏差仅为0.005 3 g/cm3,最大绝对偏差也不超过0.011 8 g/cm3。表明该方法的计算值准确、可靠,这为科研和生产中,特别是高温、高压下,强腐蚀性、有毒性溶液密度的获得提供了方便,并大大降低了实验费用和测试的劳动强度。
A new method for calculating the densities of solution at different temperatures and pressures was put forward. Firstly, the densities of each pure component of solution at different temperatures and pressures were calculated by the liquid state equation extrapolation method. Then, the calculated densities of pure components were fitted by the Lorentz-Lorenz formula, thus the solution densities at the same conditions were obtained. The densities of several binary solutions were calculated as examples. The calculation results agree well with the experimental densities at various mole fractions, temperatures and pressures. The average absolute error is only 0. 005 3 g/cm^3 , and the maximum absolute error is less than 0.011 8 g/cm^3. The calculated values are accurate and reliable, which can be used for scientific research and production to reduce the experimental cost and labor intensity, especially for the high temperature, high pressure, strong corrosive and toxic solutions.
Chemical Engineering(China)